There are a lot of unwanted nerves while attempting OET Reading Part A because of the rigid time constraint.
In the exam hall, wearing a wristwatch or bringing a watch of any kind is not allowed. However, the invigilators in the examination hall will tell you precisely the amount of time left after a few intervals.
***Important – Don’t waste your time looking at the clock of the exam hall repeatedly. It can make you lose focus and worry unnecessarily. When the invigilator gives out a warning for the last remaining 5 minutes, grasp the information. But, do not lose your calm and continue with the test.
Skills required to attempt the questions in Part A & Part B are quite different.
In Part A, you have to skim and scan under a limited time. Whereas, in Part B, you have to read the given text to comprehend distinct attributes. It means you should be able to recognize slight but suggestive variance between the given paragraph and the MCQ options.
OET Reading Part A to Part B
It is essential for you to consciously pacify down your brain when the invigilators start collecting your Part A booklets and distribute Part B & C booklets. By the time you complete your OET Reading Part A, your mind becomes very active. If you then begin with your Part B in this mind state, it is highly likely you may end up making errors. It’s because you will be going through the content in Part B text rapidly.
So, what you should do?
- Avoid letting your initial questions go to waste.
- Compose yourself, take a breather and slow yourself down gradually.
- You should keep in mind that unlike Part A (where the ratio of time given and questions is against you), Part B is not about how fast you go on and complete is.
- You have sufficient 45 whole minutes to go through Part B & C texts and answer the questions.
- Give a good amount of time for per question roughly 2 minutes) and focus on every little detail mentioned in the texts.